We are ready to move library collections of any size, from private bookcases to the National Library. Read how these moves are done and do not hesitate to contact us if you need us.

  • After you contact us, our operator will arrange with you a date for a visit of our technician. The purpose of this visit is to get the information about the scope of your order, the character and size of your library collection that will be moved and the time estimate for the final day of the move. Our technician will analyze the order and provide a free quotation.

          Based on the information found, we will prepare the work schedule together. An important aspect for us is the daily norm that determines how much can be packed and moved in one day.

          The whole process can be performed without our client's presence, i.e. without you.

          We will be happy to deliver high-quality packing material and boxes in advance to you. We move library collections in special transport shelf carts that allow up to 6 running meters of books to be transported by a single person – our technician will be pleased to introduce them to you in detail.

          We can also handle precious collections that we pack in acid-free paper or bubble wrap. Now we also provide moving in „SAFE“ regime.

          We will prepare tags and labels so that we could place the books back according to their original classification arrangement at their new destination.

          We also provide services for cleaning the library collections: we have special equipment for this – our employee, wearing gloves, will first remove dust from each book and then clean its cover professionally with purus. It is a time consuming process, but the result is worth it.

          We also provide fumigation of rooms after moving the book collections to their new depository to get rid of all bacteria and pests.   

          Unneeded items – old used racks, shelves, furniture or electronics (i.e. hazardous waste as well) – will be disposed of in an environmentally-friendly way by us. If you want, we can issue a report on the eco-friendly disposal.

          If needed, we will provide structural reports for the reassembled shelves in the new premises.  

          On the day of the actual transport, we will arrange parking space occupation for free, both at the place of departure and destination.

          All our trucks are connected to a satellite and you can track their movements via GPS online.

          We can also arrange the presence of a security agency.

          Your satisfaction is very important to us, please do not hesitate to contact us with anything even after the move is over. In case an insurance event occurs in connection with our work, we will be happy to handle it.